Acute pain in the lumbar region, on the background of osteochondrosis – a widespread Problem, which the vast majority of people. After I is us a "reward" for our two-legged (due to increased axial load on the spine), this disease affects, sooner or later, everyone on the planet, the only question is how quickly this happens, and how pronounced the symptoms. Such a "grim" statistic count makes this pathology to socially significant diseases, and the fight with him should not suffer the task of the individual, the symptoms of the disease, but also the health systems as a whole. Therefore, the question of the treatment of osteochondrosis – a very topical issue.
So, what osteochondrosis is? Let's briefly look at how the development of the disease. In the title, if the translation from the Latin identified, literally, structures that use in osteoporosis: bone and cartilage. To shock absorption and resistance to vertical stress on the nature of peculiar FIBRO-cartilage "cushions" — nestled in between our vertebrae, the intervertebral discs. Your diet is the age of the child by the blood vessels that go lost for about 25 years, and the boarding begins, however, diffuse through the surrounding muscles.
In the case of pathological loads on the spine (sedentary work, or Vice versa – redundant physical activity), disorders of the processes of mineral metabolism of the intervertebral disc loses its elastic and damping properties, reduced its height, it changes the structure of the spine, there are pathological bony outgrowths (osteophytes and zamechatelnye plate), impaired mobility in the affected area of the spine. In the later stages of the disease, the Central part of the intervertebral disc, the so-called gelatinous nucleus breaks through the fibrous ring, which forms the peculiar bag-shaped protrusion between the vertebral bodies — intervertebral disc hernia. Hernia cause compression of the neighboring nerve roots to the vertebrae arises an intense pain in the area of compression, but also in the areas of, adjustable to the work of the affected nerve. Due to the constant irritation to the nerve plexus Reflex spasm of the skeletal muscles, in medicine called protective defense, on the one hand, protects the spine suffers from unwanted movements, and on the other hand, increases the compression, swelling and pain in the affected area.
In the majority of cases (90%) the pain syndrome in osteochondrosis (extremely pronounced) by a muscle spasm! In the remaining cases, the cause of the pain is compression of the nerve root or the spinal cord directly herniated disc is.
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine: how to treat them
From all parts of the spine, and just five (cervical, Thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal) suffers from, at the highest engine load, the most common manifestations of disease of the lumbar spine. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine has a lively, all of the known symptoms and treatment, it is an important social task, because it affects the quality of life for not only seniors, but also active people in the working age.

The pain can be localized directly in the lumbar region and on the anterior surface of the thigh, or around the rear or outer surface of the legs, sometimes reaching to the tips of your fingers. Often the pain may be radiating to the gluteal region, the sacrum, in the crotch, and sometimes can be localized only in these areas is built, disguised as a disease and urogenital intestine and hinder the setting of the correct diagnosis The intensity of the pain can be so high that the person loses the ability to the most elementary movements, the forced poses, and loses a normal dream. This is the sciatica, the in Schlierbach is a Synonym for the disease itself circles for a long time.
Restriction of motor activity. Habit hurt movements and sensitivity in the extremities, occur muscle cramps, paresthesia (tingling, burning, "Crawling").
Violation of the functions of the organs of the pelvis. The intense radicular syndromes, known as sciatica, or in the case of a massive Grajewo, the supernatant water can be disturbed and the work of the intestine, resulting in strong agony of the patient.
The treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is often a difficult task for the patient and for the doctor. Every Person suffers from this disease in question asked: "How to treat osteochondrosis of the lumbar?", "What do you treat osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine?", "If the treatment of the osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine does not help in the home to contact the doctor for you?", "When pills and ointments don't help with lumbar osteochondrosis - how to treat?".
To be done of osteochondrosis with the aggravation and have qualified treatment to help the following doctors: an Internist, a neurologist, a specialist in medical Massage, chiropractor, physiotherapist, if necessary, surgical treatment – physician, neuro-surgeon.
Way to fight the osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
The main thing in the treatment of osteochondrosis – the correct way of life! In humans, the back is active and correctly in physical culture and servo-mechanisms for the spine, never hurts! Unfortunately, hardly anyone adheres to this simple truth.
The examination of this question, we can highlight:
- drug;
- drug-free.
Non-drug treatments, pathology of the lumbar spine
Disturbing Procedure. Their effect is in the title - the application of a variety of applicators, Massage mats and pillows, woolen belt, "widgets" and "rastirok" due to the effect on the superficial nerve endings and blood vessels, reduces muscle spasms and pain. These methods can be used as an additional, but their isolated application during exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine without systemic treatment with special medicines will be ineffective.
Means Of Immobilization. Among these means, to understand bandages different Designs, wear protects the spine from the strong and "dangerous" movements and distribute the stress at static work. Means of immobilization in the stores of medical technology and pharmacy, but before buying it is desirable to consult a doctor, in your Situation, optimal design, stiffness, and completion of the Bandage to determine. To apply it is advisable only to the time of the action of the ungnstigen factors (trip behind the wheel of sedentary work, etc.), as prolonged use causes malnutrition of the muscles.
Physiotherapy exercises (LFK) – an essential component of the complex treatment of osteochondrosis. The execution of the exercises is to help in the maintenance of the Tonus of the skeletal muscles of the back and the lifting of the pathological muscle cramps, restoration and preservation of motor activity, a reduction in pain intensity. A significant Plus exercise therapy in the fact that after the training of trainers the human daily exercises at home, but also in the existence of a series of exercises during exacerbation of the process. The most effective way of physiotherapy, the mechano – therapy training on simulators through the custom-developed technology, since the formation of the muscular corset of the work with weights is necessary.
Massage is known since ancient times, the most widely used and probably the most popular patients way to prevent and treatment, however, in the Phase of exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine can not be used. In addition, the Massage in case of osteochondrosis should be done only by a professional with medical training, a good anatomy and physiology and the resonant and familiar with technologies, especially medical therapeutic Massage.
Manual therapy and increasing popularity in the last few years osteopathy in the execution of a competent professional who can provide a significant therapeutic effect, and even for a longer period of time to get rid of acute disease. It is also important to note that when you access the manual therapist prior to the start of treatment is necessary, Instrumental examination of the spine (x-ray, Computer or nuclear spin tomography, densitometry), the ability to rate your doctor, the prevalence and the severity of the process and possible contraindications to Manipulation. Such as Massage, manual therapy and osteopathy a number of contraindications, such as severe compression of the nerve root, herniated disc, Subluxation of the vertebrae. In the acute Phase of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is used, usually, soft techniques of manual therapy (muscle relaxation, etc.).
Needle technology. According to the results of the latest research, the application of this in Schlierbach circles popular technique is called evidence-based medicine unjustified in the case of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, does not resolve the symptoms of the disease, and is one of unconventional methods of treatment.
Physiotherapy, included in the national guidelines and Standards of medical care in the case of osteoporosis, proved its effectiveness in the treatment of this disease. In the case of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, electromyostimulation, amplipuls apply the therapy, shock wave therapy, interstitial biostimulate, laser therapy. Popular method in the complex treatment of magnetic field therapy. Among their advantages, the good tolerability and a small list of contraindications, the possibility of application in the acute Phase of the disease. Homeopathically on all the links of the pathological process, she is already in pain after a few treatments significantly reduced and allows a Person to expand motor skills. In addition, through the improvement of the trophic tissue slows the progression of the disease. The undoubted advantage of this method is the possibility of its self-application by the patient outside of the walls of the medical institution is.
But if all of the above-mentioned non-drug methods are ineffective to treat what is then the lumbar spine osteochondrosis?
Drug Treatment
The disease has the following medicines groups:
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are in the forms of both the local (gels, ointments, creams) and systemic (tablets, suppositories, solutions for intramuscular and intravenous injection). Their effect is based on blocking the inflammation process, on the enzymatic level, resulting in swelling in the affected area are eliminated, significantly reducing the pain syndrome.
In the early stages of the disease the topical application of NSAIDs is sufficient, in combination with nondrug methods (physiotherapy, magnetic). To engage in severe pathological process and the intense pain syndrome is preformed, and sometimes injection and forms of drugs.
Unfortunately, a good possess anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of NSAIDs, in the case of prolonged systemic administration in the development and exacerbation of ulcerative erosive processes of the cause gastro-intestinal tract as well as functional disorders of the kidneys and the liver. So patient, in the course of time taking NSAIDs, are also needed medications to protect the mucous membrane of the stomach and regular laboratory monitoring of the work of the liver, and the kidneys.
The muscle relaxants, i.e., medications, muscle cramps. The principle of their action is in the title: relaxation spasm of the muscles reduce the compression of nerves and blood vessels, swelling in the affected area – the improvement of blood circulation and Innervation – reduced pain; by the reduction of his muscles and relieves the ligamentous apparatus – reduces the bulging (protrusion) subside intervertebral disc pain, increases the volume of movements.
Muscle relaxants for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine are in the Form of tablets and solutions for intramuscular administration, to achieve the therapeutic effect you need to take a long time, gradually increasing the dose. Also as NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, a number of contraindications and may cause unwanted side effects, therefore, in spite of free sale in pharmacies networks, before you buy it, you must consult your doctor.
Local anesthetics or medications to the local anaesthetic used, the drug treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration in the Form of so-called paravertebral blockades, if the solution of drugs administered first subcutaneously, then into the area of the articular processes of the affected vertebra in the projection of the presumed compression of the nerve root.
In the membranes of nerve fibers drug effectively blocks the pain signal. The doctor, an Internist, in any case, carry out such a Blockade will not be able to run it, you need to a neurologist or neuro-surgeon.
For paravertebral introduction sometimes be the solutions of glucocorticoids (GCS) - hormone preparations, the a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Your local application allows to obtain a maximum effect, while minimizing the risk of undesirable side effects of the drug. Such blockages courses 2-3 times a year, then the physician must be a neurologist or a doctor, a neurosurgeon.
Vitamins Are "In". In any pharmacy you will find various drugs of this group, as in the forms for the oral administration, and intramuscular administration. It is assumed that you will get a neurotrophic and slightly analgesic effect, but credible justifications for your application in the case of osteochondrosis of the spine evidence-based medicine.
Physical therapy in osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Unfortunately, sometimes a comprehensive treatment with modern drugs, physiotherapy, Massage and physical therapy proves to be ineffective – people still have pain, the limitation of physical activity, essentially the quality of life suffers. It comes in the later stages of the disease, if voluminous, often multiple gryzenia protrusion of the intervertebral discs. In such a Situation the surgical treatment. In addition, surgical Intervention is indicated in the so-called "prolapse herniated disc", if there is a significant compression of the spinal canal caused nekupirutayasa pain, static-dynamic disturbances and the Blockade of the functions of the bladder and bowel. In such cases, the surgery is performed in urgent cases. The goal of surgical intervention in the case of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is a mechanical decompression of the spinal canal and the nerve root is.
Currently in the surgical treatment of degenerative disc diseases are considered as a long-known voluminous operational methods and opportunities of modern medicine, minimally invasive endoscopic procedures with application of Laser and radio frequency impact, part of which can also be carried out under local anesthesia.
After examination the most important procedure for the treatment of degenerative disc of the lumbar spine diseases, we would like to again point to the fact that the Patient, sets the question "how to cure lumbar osteochondrosis of the spine?", the trust not only to the aid of the doctors, but on their own strength, the understanding of the importance of a healthy lifestyle in which proper nutrition is welcome, must be dosed physical activity and, above all, the belief you make the right present is to a victory over the disease.